We are excited to start the school registration process for the 2024-2025 school year. Registration events will be held in the Fellowship Hall in August for families with children in grades K-6 as well as Preschool. The information below will help make the registration process quick and smooth by allowing you to get some of it done before the meeting and let you know what you need to bring with you.
Before you attend your registration meeting
Please complete the online registration portion through JMC before attending your registration meeting. Online registration will be open Thursday, August 1st through Thursday, August 15th. To complete the online registration portion go to https://ffolvschool.onlinejmc.com/ and click on “Family.” Make sure that you select the 2024-2025 school year from the dropdown menu on the login page. Returning families can use the same username and password. For new families, your username is your last name. Enter your username and click on “forgot your password” at the bottom of the screen. This will prompt you to enter your email address. This must match the email address that OLV has on file. Then you’ll be given a link to reset your password and login. If you have trouble logging in, please contact the school for assistance.
The instructions walk you through the process of registering each child. You will need to confirm and/or add your student information, parent information, and 2 emergency contacts for each child (preschool students must have 3 emergency contacts). You also need to answer other enrollment and health questions for each child you are registering. To complete the registration process, you need to electronically sign 3 documents: acknowledgment of the Parent/Student Handbook, request for health services (this provides funding for our school nurse), and request for textbooks (this provides funding for textbooks). You can access the Parent/Student Handbook any time after registration is closed by clicking on “Register for 2024-2025.” Let the office know if you need a printed copy.
An online free and reduced meals application is available in JMC. Families are encouraged to apply for free or reduced meal benefits. The application is quick and easy. Free and reduced numbers are used to help the school access funding in many different ways, including access to Title I support. Please consider applying even if you’re not sure you qualify.